About us


Inspired by the divine creator and my father’s vision, it’s my great honor to bring you Trinity Juices & More, My ancestors the Kushites where among the healthiest and richest on earth figuratively and Spirtual. Our recipes are inspired by kushites diet and the well renowned Dr. Sebi, our Juice and salad bar consist of fresh organic ingredients and our grocery and produce section consist of organic alkaline fruits and vegetables. We also have whole food natural supplements to help you along the way. Understanding mind and body are keys to ones health we provide a healthy clean atmosphere so you can feel comfortable while shopping with us. We have a knowledgeable staff that can help you feel assured your eating and drinking your way to heal the right way. My father had a vision 30 years ago and he has been a great ambassador of health and Wellness to our community, I have learned many lessons from him. When I was younger his lifestyle inspired in me to become a vegetarian. This has help me tremendously through out my life, for that I give thanks.  Diseases and a pandemic has tried to riddle our people but we will stay strong and I will hold the torch with my Father to fight against illness and stay Healthy in the  trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). It’s your divine right to be in good health but you have to do your part come and let trinity Juices & More help you.


Why Go Vegitarian?

We have created a fantastic guide  for you to download! This guide details the foods you will want to include in your diet.

Download Guide
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